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Create An Image Of Mosque, With Rounded Border And Border Shadow, Show A Clock In The Middle With Time Like 04: 10 And A Caption Under The Time Says 7 Minutes Walking Distance From Your Location Stock Image

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mosque, rounded border, border shadow, clock, time, 04:10, caption, 7 minutes walking distance, location

Create An Image Of Mosque, With Rounded Border And Border Shadow, Show A Clock In The Middle With Time Like 04: 10 And A Caption Under The Time Says 7 Minutes Walking Distance From Your Location Stock Image

mosque, rounded border, border shadow, clock, time, 04:10, caption, 7 minutes walking distance, location

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mosque, rounded border, border shadow, clock, time, 04:10, caption, 7 minutes walking distance, location mosque, rounded border, border shadow, clock, time, 04:10, caption, 7 minutes walking distance, location mosque, rounded border, border shadow, clock, time, 04:10, caption, 7 minutes walking distance, location mosque, rounded border, border shadow, clock, time, 04:10, caption, 7 minutes walking distance, location